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Marble Madness

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Online NES Emulator lets you play your favorite games directly from your computer or smartphone browser. Emulator supports joysticks, saving/loading the game, as well as cooperative play on the network with friends. To run the game "PLAY NOW".
  • Year of release: 1984
  • Platform: NES
  • Genre: Logical
  • Number of players: 1
  • Language: English English
  • The NES game Marble Madness is a logical platformer developed in 1984 for the arcade machine and later re-released for various other platforms, including the NES.

    Marble Madness is made in isometric projection, i.e. in pseudo 3D graphics. The player controls a ball whose main objective is to make it to the finish line on a marble structure. The structure consists of various hills, pits, tracks, stairs, obstacles and at each level the landscape changes and becomes more complicated. In addition to the landscape of the building, each subsequent level is complicated by different mechanical obstacles, as well as enemies. The enemies are balls and a variety of mechanical devices, the player's ball splits on impact with the enemy, as well as falling from great heights.

    All levels in Marble Madness must be completed in a set amount of time with a timer at the top of the screen. The game has a 2-player mode, which is a definite plus in gameplay. When playing in pairs it is necessary to take into account that the passage of the track must be cooperative, if one of the players lags far behind and disappears behind the screen, he loses his life.