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The Fantastic Adventures of Dizzy

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Online NES Emulator lets you play your favorite games directly from your computer or smartphone browser. Emulator supports joysticks, saving/loading the game, as well as cooperative play on the network with friends. To run the game "PLAY NOW".
  • Year of release: 1991
  • Platform: NES
  • Genre: Logical
  • Number of players: 1
  • Language: English English
  • The NES game, The Fantastic Adventures of Dizzy, is a logic arcade game developed in 1991 for the NES platform. The game also has another name, Fantastic Dizzy, and was ported to various other platforms a little later in its release.

    The Fantastic Adventures of Dizzy's main character is an egg-like character named Dizzy. Dizzy belongs to a race of snoggles who live in the forest and mine for diamonds. One day a certain Zax arrives at their peaceful place and kidnaps Dizzy's grandfather, but the hero manages to free him, then Zax starts building his castle in the clouds. After a while, the snoggles notice that the sky is getting kind of dark, in his castle Zax created a spell and sent a horde of trolls into the snoggles' land. As a result, Dizzy's village is destroyed and his friend Denzil is kidnapped by Zaks. Dizzy embarks on dangerous adventures to rescue Denzil and finally deal with Zax.

    The Fant Trolls

    The gameplay of The Fantastic Adventures of Dizzy is standard for a classic arcade game, but contains a huge amount of mystery. Dizzy can run, jump and collect items. In the locations the player has to move back and forth, the point is that by picking up some items you can use them in certain areas of the levels to move further. At the same time, Dizzy can take a limited number of items. The difficulty of the game is not only that you have to constantly think where to go and what item to apply, but also that the world is full of different enemies from which you must constantly dodge and fight back.