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Isolated Warrior

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Online NES Emulator lets you play your favorite games directly from your computer or smartphone browser. Emulator supports joysticks, saving/loading the game, as well as cooperative play on the network with friends. To run the game "PLAY NOW".
  • Year of release: 1991
  • Platform: NES
  • Genre: Shooter
  • Number of players: 1
  • Language: English English
  • The plot of Isolated Warrior moves the player to the planet "Pan," which is located outside the Earth galaxy. The planet is attacked by alien invaders who destroy everything around them, both living organisms and structures. By order of the government the entire population of the planet "Pan" is evacuated, including the army, which can not withstand the aliens. The protagonist of the game, Max Maverick, who is the captain of the army, decides to stay and fight the invaders alone.

    The gameplay of Isolated Warrior is quite non-standard, as the camera view of the character is not presented as a normal platformer from the side, but with an isometric projection, i.e. from the side above. The main character has a large arsenal of various weapons, which can be upgraded by knocking out the enemy bonuses. In addition to hiking, you can also ride a motorcycle or a hovercraft. At the end of each level, and sometimes in the middle, the player is waiting for a battle with the boss. The enemies are a variety of alien creatures that can, crawl, fly, spit acid, etc..

    The game has a save-and-forget feature that allows the player to keep up with the progress of the game.

    The game has a function of saving progress with passwords. During the game and between levels, beautiful screensavers are displayed with Captain Maverick's thoughts about his past life and various reflections.