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Bio Force Ape

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Online NES Emulator lets you play your favorite games directly from your computer or smartphone browser. Emulator supports joysticks, saving/loading the game, as well as cooperative play on the network with friends. To run the game "PLAY NOW".
  • Year of release: did not come out
  • Platform: NES
  • Genre: Shooter
  • Number of players: 1
  • Language: English English
  • The NES game Bio Force Ape or Bio Monkey is a platform action game originally developed in Japan for the NES platform and its release was planned for 1991. As a result it was never released and the game's prototype cartridge was sold at auction and released to the masses.

    The plot of the game tells the story of a chimpanzee who, as a result of scientific experiments, mutated and turned into a mutant humanoid ape. The protagonist must save his friends, the professor and his daughter, who have been kidnapped by some mutant villain. The game consists of several levels, each of which involves battles with various mutants and humans.

    The gameplay of Bio Force Ape is fairly new for games of the time. As with any action game, the hero can run, jump, and punch, but there are also a variety of moves borrowed from wrestling. You can take your opponent and knock him headfirst into the ground, or you can spin him around and throw him hard. Animation of the execution of tricks looks pretty spectacular and funny. In addition to combat, there are other interesting moments, such as the rapid movement of the character on elevators or falling from great heights.

    On the whole, the game in Bio Force Ape leaves only positive emotions, there is a beautiful graphics and storyline and not usual at the time animation effects. If the game had been released after all, it probably would have been a hit.