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Online NES Emulator lets you play your favorite games directly from your computer or smartphone browser. Emulator supports joysticks, saving/loading the game, as well as cooperative play on the network with friends. To run the game "PLAY NOW".
  • Year of release: 1990
  • Platform: NES
  • Genre: Shooter
  • Number of players: 1
  • Language: English English
  • The Astyanax game for NES, or "Astenax", is a platform action game developed in Japan called "The Lord of King". The game was released a year after the arcade version, which had the prefix "The" - The Astyanax and its plot was based on the ancient Greek mythology.

    The Astyanax game is based on the ancient Greek mythology.

    The plot of The Astyanax tells the story of a schoolboy who constantly has the same dream in which an unfamiliar girl calls him by name. One day, on his way to school, Astyanax finds himself in another dimension, where he meets the fairy Cutie. The fairy explains to Astenax that he is in the kingdom of Remlia and has been summoned to help the kingdom's princess, Rosebud, who is being held captive by the evil wizard Blackhorn.

    Further on in the story, Asternax arms himself with a magical shikira and travels with the fairy to the wizard's lair. As a result, the fairy, in the course of events, sacrifices her life in order for Astenax to continue her journey and save the princess. The protagonist saves the princess and wakes up. Astenax cannot understand what it was, a dream or a reality. Soon he meets Cutie, who has been reborn as a human, they embrace and Astenax receives a vision of a rosebud, which tells him it is a reward for their bravery.

    The gameplay of Astyanax is classic for the genre. The player has a health scale, a strength scale, and a spell scale. In addition to the axe, Astyanax can use other weapons and spells. The opponents are various evil creatures: skeletons, mutants, evil plants, etc.