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Online NES Emulator lets you play your favorite games directly from your computer or smartphone browser. Emulator supports joysticks, saving/loading the game, as well as cooperative play on the network with friends. To run the game "PLAY NOW".
  • Year of release: 1991
  • Platform: NES
  • Genre: Arcade
  • Number of players: 1
  • Language: English English
  • The game for NES - Castelian, is a platform arcade game, developed in 1991 for the NES and previously for several other platforms. For different platforms this game was produced by different companies and received distinctive names at the output. For example, the version of the game for PC platforms (IBM PC, Spectrum, etc.) was called Nebulus. The American version of the game for Atari 7800 console was called Tower Toppler, and the NES version - Castelian.

    The story in Castelian, as such, is absent. The player controls a green creature called Pogo whose main objective is to destroy towers located somewhere in the sea, i.e. one tower - one level. To destroy a tower you must climb a spiral staircase to its very top, with various enemies and the brittle construction of the tower (the stairs tend to collapse) preventing you from doing so.

    The gameplay of Castelian is unique in the way it moves your character; the animation is designed in such a way that the character is always in the center of the screen, and only the background moves. There are also bonus levels in which you must collect as many points as possible, and the character's movement is implemented in the usual, familiar way: the screen moves, not the background. Pogo can shoot balls, and also go through doors, many of which are located in the tower and pierce it through, ie, entering the door you go out the other side of the structure. If Pogo steps on a step and it collapses, or he is attacked by an enemy, he falls to the floor below. If there is no floor below, he falls into the sea and dies as a result.

    In case there is no floor below, he falls into the sea.